Collective Presencing book site
Little history
December 17th, 2005 I hosted a World Café with a few other people. Afterwards we fused the methodology of the World Café with the basic concept of Pro Action Europe: "You strive to achieve your goals, and do so by helping the larger community around you to realise their potential." This was the birth of the Pro Action Café!
In the mean time, a hosting team has taken over, and it keeps growing and innovating!
Step by step, people who want something to change, who want to take action by themselves, who know that they need each other, get to know the Pro Action Café. If you are one of them, come and have a look and take a seat! You always meet interesting people and you will have an inspiring conversation!
Since autumn '07 the Café is held and hosted by a little team in Brussels. Here is the recent website.
Monday, January 14, 2008
18.00 22.00u
We sense a growing desire to discover a new and alternative approach to finding breakthroughs and co-create the world we want to live in. By accepting this invitation you bring your trust and talents to an emergent way of supporting other peoples projects or be supported by them.
We invite you
to explore your questions about life or projects you wish to start.
to discover something new while meeting new people.
to engage and relate with peers, to share knowledge and experiences.
to develop new meaning for your and our selves.
to co-create your projects, actions, adventures, dreams, journeys.
Plan for surprise
and join with like-minded, creative, responsible people!
We will facilitate your project inquiries as a World Café. This allows intense, personal conversations with many people at once, and cross-fertilises between the various projects, plans and discoveries.
If you feel called to participate, you are invited. If you have received this invitation, you may invite your friends or colleagues that you personally know and will like to join us.
The great thing about emergence is that you never know where you will end up, but you can be sure that it is meaningful, real and populated with people who care as much as you do.
We look forward to meeting you!
The Pro Action Team
18:00u: a snack is served
18:45u: Welcome and start World Café
towards 21.30u: Harvesting result and outcomes
22:00u: Closing
English will be the main language.
30 EUR per evening; includes venue, facilitation, snack and drinks.
Reduced rate available for students, interns etc. of 15 EUR/evening (please give a brief explanation with your transfer).
We will keep you updated here!
Please confirm your participation by this link plus advance transfer to the account of Pro Action Europe asbl at 310-1305015-63 (Belgium); IBAN: BE40 310 1305015 63 and BIC: BBRUBEBB
The Hub Brussels, Stormstraat 1, 6th floor, 1000 Brussels (near Central Station)
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